Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Oh BOY...

(No, I am not this preggo yet. When my sis was in town, we went maternity clothes shopping. Apparently they have this Velcro belly thing you can put on to see how clothes will fit once you're huge. I thought it was hilarious, and we had fun playing around. BTW, I think this is a dress, but Katie thinks it's too short, ha ha. I miss having my sissy close by.)

Are ya'll shocked that I have posted 2 times in the past week? I am trying my hardest to be better about blogging. I have to post our latest news...

So my 16 weeks doctor's appointment was yesterday. I went in thinking I would get an ultrasound because I am carrying mono/di twins, which could be considered high risk. At first the nurse told me I wasn't scheduled for an ultrasound, but I quickly had them change that. I think there was definitely a lack of communication. They way I understood it was that I am to get an ultrasound at every visit to make sure both babies are growing equally and one is not being a hog basically. However, they quickly got me back into the ultrasound room, which I was very happy about. I honestly wanted to find out the sexes too. They told me I would find out at 20 weeks but was keeping my fingers crossed they would be able to tell at 16 weeks. Well, lo and behold, the first question the nurse asked was, "Do you want to know what they are?" Adam stalled a minute because we had initially discussed we were going to have the nurse write it down for us, and we would find out later on our own. Guess what I said? "Yes, yes!" Those of you who know me well know that I am not a very patient person, so of course I couldn't wait another minute! Plus, I wanted to know what I was looking at on the screen if you know what I mean. So....having said all that, our babies are...BOYS! And for the record, I knew they were boys before we even went in there. I had been feeling like they were boys for several weeks now. I also have to give credit to my dad because he called it from the beginning. He thought they were boys all along. We are very excited about our 2 little boys! My family is mainly girls, so this will definitely be a new experience. I know Adam is happy too. Since he is an only child, there will now be 2 more men to carry on the Vicars name. Our little boys are growing just fine right now. Baby A is 3 days bigger than Baby B (not sure how they can tell that), but that's perfectly normal. We got some awesome 3D pics too. Now, I have to start going to the high risk doctor as well. My first appointment with the high risk is next week, so hoping all goes well. Now, let the shopping begin! I am such a dork but I have already picked out every combo of bedding (depending on genders), so I know exactly what I want now. I am dying to get the cribs and dresser ordered and start painting, etc. I guess that's all for today. I am going to post some pics of our baby boys...

Baby A

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