Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Maternity Clothes?

Hello Blog Friends! A quick update on my baby boys and preggo. We had a fabulous weekend in Knoxville! Wish we could have stayed longer, but looking forward to being there for several days over Labor Day. The boys and I ate well to say the least. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before or not, but red meat has been one of my big cravings, which is strange because I didn't really eat that much of it before pregnancy (more of a chicken and fish girl). Nothing against it, just wanted other stuff instead. That has changed now, so of course when I go to K-Town I have to hit up the best steak place in America...Ye Olde Steakhouse! I'm telling you, no one can come close to this steak. It's phenomenal! Mom and I found time to fit in some shopping too. Really miss having my mom and sissy to shop with, especially now. We took full advantage while I was in town. Mom and I both were worn out after.

This week has been pretty easy as far as teaching classes. I just have 2 Pumps to teach, which is fine with me. Really trying to take the Dr.'s advice and take it easy on the workouts. The weather has finally started cooling down a bit in the mornings, so I have been able to get out and walk (yes, walk NOT run). I would honestly rather run, but I'll take walking for now. Better than bed rest, right?! Plus the beautiful weather helps. :) My belly has definitely popped out a bit. Finding it harder and harder to fit into my clothes. Hanging onto those non-maternity clothes as long as I can though. I have not crossed the line into maternity clothing world yet. Believe me, I'm trying my hardest not to. I am using the rubber band trick with some jeans/shorts that still fit. Since it's summer, I have a lot of sundresses that have a lot of room in the belly, which is very nice. I also bought some shorts in a bigger size and wear them low on my hips. I am finding it difficult to find cute maternity clothes, so if ya'll have any suggestions or cute boutiques you like, let me know! I know it's going to be any day now when I need those maternity pants, etc. I have gotten a couple of pairs of maternity jeans...a pair of True Religion flairs with the secret fit belly (got on sale thank you very much) and a straight leg J Brand pair (which my sweet sissy was so nice to give me). A girl's gotta have some cute jeans no matter what! ;) I hope these will get me through my whole pregnancy and after when I'm still not back to my normal size. The good thing about the styles right now are that they are very forgiving in the belly area. Ok, so that's my rant about clothing. Oh, and another thing I wasn't prepared for with the clothing situation is that EVERYTHING is starting to fit too tight or small. That means pj's, bras, lounge clothes, workout clothes, etc. So basically if you are preggo or planning on it, not only do you have to worry about the cost of baby stuff, but the cost of a whole new wardrobe as well. Keep in mind you will need in between clothes (when you're not huge yet but still have a little belly) and "Big Mamma" (full blown preggo) clothes as I like to call them. :) This I was not prepared for. I promise I am finished talking about the clothes. Those of ya'll that know me know that I love clothes, so can't help it.

Looking forward to the upcoming weekend. Adam and I are taking our last little trip together to Charleston. I guess you could call it a Babymoon. It will be a long time before it will be just the two of us at the beach again, so we are going to enjoy! Needless to say I am looking forward to some beach duty and some good food! Poe's, Hank's...maybe some Basil...ya know...Hey, maybe I will even come back with a tan. Goodness knows that this year I have not been the sun lover I normally am. Too hot for this preggo and the pool feels like bath water.

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