Thursday, August 25, 2011

20 Week Update

I am officially 20 weeks today, over half way, yay!

Here are some pregnancy highlights:

How Far Along: 20 weeks

Size of Babies: Baby A is 10 oz and Baby B is 9 oz (as of Tuesday)

Maternity Clothes: Still wearing non-maternity clothes (lots of flowy tops and dresses, have to wear shorts/pants low and have gone to the rubber band trick on some of my jeans)

Gender: BOYS! Van Earl and Elijah Willis (good thing we already had the boy names decided)

Movement: Yes, have finally started feeling them (more than a flutter every once in a while). The past couple of days I have really been feeling them. They are busy boys.

Sleep: Hit or miss. Sleep great some nights and others not. Think it has to do with hormones more than getting comfortable. I got a Boppy full body pillow which helps too. I also have 2 fans on me because I get so hot.

What I Miss: Still missing my red wine, not being able to buy cute fall clothes without stretchy or elastic or a big roomy belly (have to buy big girl clothes, ha ha), sleeping like a baby (I used to be the world's greatest sleeper), raw sushi.

Cravings: Not really anything in particular right now. I still have more salty cravings than sweet (very weird for me). I eat a lot of carbs.

Aversions: Nothing in particular, maybe fruit. I don't hate it but just don't really want it.

Symptoms: Finally am having more energy (for now). Uh a growing belly?! Really sensitive to the sun as I found out at the beach last weekend, lower back ache (dull), HUGE boobies! (having a hard time finding a bra that fits, and breaking out here and there (it's worse than when I was a teen).

Best Moment of the Week: Seeing my 2 precious baby boys on Tuesday in ultrasound at the high risk doctor. They are growing equally for the most part and are doing great thus far. We keep praying it will stay that way!

Ya'll stay tuned for more updates...

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