Friday, July 29, 2011

Big News!

Clearly I am awesome at keeping up-to-date with my blogging, ha ha. Hilarious, right?! Anyway, a lot has happened in the past few months. I say I am going to be religious about updating this blog but I'm not gonna lie it's very hard for some reason...but... because of our big news I want to document our journey so I promise I will try my hardest to do better. So....for the big news....Adam and I are pregnant with TWINS! Yes! That's right! 2 babies! We definitely got the shock of our lives in that ultrasound room the beginning of June. We had just gotten over the shock of being pregnant then we were faced with 2 babies on the screen. We literally couldn't believe it. I just busted out laughing hysterically. Adam sat very still staring at the screen with his mouth wide open. I'm just glad he didn't pass out. I thought he might, ha. The thought of twins never even crossed either one of our minds. I had never heard of any twins on my side of the family and no, no fertility drugs were being used. It happened naturally. These are the 2 questions I am asked most. I did find out later that my Great Uncle (my Grandma Lovett's half brother) was a twin. His twin died at an early age, so I had never even heard of him. We honestly weren't "trying" that hard to get pregnant. We weren't preventing but weren't adamant about trying. Here's my take...God's timing is perfect. He has a plan, boy does he, and little did we know and still don't know (ha ha) all he has in store for us. How quickly things change. God also won't give us more than we can handle. I keep telling myself this, ha ha. Honestly though, we couldn't be more overjoyed for our 2 little lives growing in my belly. I already can't wait to meet my sweet little babies. We haven't found out the sexes yet (dying to know) but I think they are boys. We go back to the doc Tuesday for our 3rd (planned) visit. I am 16 weeks now, so crossing my fingers we will find out the sexes even though they told us we wouldn't know until 20 weeks.

Here's a little background on my pregnancy so far because I know you are all so interested in the details. Humor me though! Maybe some of ya'll reading this are pregnant too and want to follow my journey. I know I love hearing about other people's pregnancies. Although I have to admit before my pregnancy, all this "pregnancy" talk made me roll my eyes and honestly throw up in my mouth a little bit. My how things change....

So, my journey began on May 12 which was the date of the first preggo test. This is when Adam and I got our first shock. I had no clue I was pregnant. Didn't "feel" pregnant at all. Thought I was late because I had been teaching crazy Body Attack and Body Pump classes at the gym and working out like a maniac. Nope, not the reason. The due date as determined by the doc on my first appointment is January 12, but since I am having twins, it will probably be sometime in December. I have to admit my first trimester was hard! Luckily I never had terrible nausea (just here and there) and some food aversions, but never physically got sick. I was able to eat. This may have been what saved me. Oh my goodness did I eat! I always had something on my tummy. I would be starving all the time too! Probably because I was trying to grow2 babies. The thing that made the first tri so hard was the fatique. I mean there's tired but I'm telling you, this tired doesn't compare. I honestly thought I was on my deathbed. I had no energy at all! Yes, I'm a bit of a drama queen, but trust me coming from someone who is very active, I didn't know what hit me. Well, I did but I had a hard time coming to grips with reality. Yes, I had to say goodbye to my crazy active lifestyle and slow it down a bit. Even if I wanted to keep it up, I couldn't. I would wake up and be tired and go to bed at like 7 or 8 and if I was lucky to have time I would take a nap too. I really didn't want to leave the couch much, so my DVR was my (still is actually) best friend. Real Housewives to be exact, ha ha! :) Other than the terrible fatigue, first trimester was fine.

We did have a little scare after our 2nd Dr. appt. The same week I was abruptly called back in for another ultra sound, which scared me to death. They called me while I was teaching a class at the gym and when I called the nurse back she said to come in today right now. Of course I was so scared. Everything imaginable went through my head. Turns out, they had to find out if the twins were sharing a placenta or not before they got too big. The pics they had gotten earlier that week weren't clear enough. They are sharing a placenta, so it makes my pregnancy a little more high risk. The big long name which I can't even pronounce is Monochorionic Diamniotic (Mono/Di). They are in 2 separate sacs but have one placenta. This could cause a problem if one baby is basically taking all the nutrients, blood supply, etc from the other. We are praying this will not be an issue. The plus side is I get more ultrasounds. :) Now we are up-to-date for the most part.

Here are some pregnancy highlights:

How Far Along: 16 weeks

Size of Babies: The size of an avocado (4.5 inches)

Maternity Clothes: Have bought some maternity items but have not crossed the line into maternity clothing land yet. I have a lot of summery dresses with a lot of room in the belly so I have been wearing those. I did buy a bigger pair of denim shorts that ride low on my hips (not maternity btw, very trendy from Express). A lot of styles right now are baggier, which is good. It won't be long though.

Gender: Hopefully August 2nd but will probably be the end of August at 20 weeks.

Movement: Felt something but not sure if it's gas or not. May be some baby flutters. :)

Sleep: I'm a stomach sleeper, so it has been hard trying to sleep on my side and getting comfortable. I wake up on my stomach though, oops. Probably need to quit that. I also get sooo hot!

What I Miss: WINE!, Sushi (the raw stuff), having energy to workout like a maniac, being able to run at a decent pace (I am a slow ass these days) and not get so out of breath.

Cravings: It differs but red meat, carbs, cheese. Not sugar surprisingly since I had such a sweet tooth pre-pregnancy.

Aversions: I had a bad reaction to some steamed mussels while on vacay, again it varies.

Symptoms: Still tired a lot! It's better but still have to take it easy. I can't do a lot at once. I have good and bad days.

Best Moment of the Week: Well, I hope to find out the genders of my babies on Tuesday. This has honestly been a long, exhausting week between work and teaching classes, so I am looking forward to some downtime this weekend. :)

So, this concludes my book of a blog post. You are all up to date on my pregnancy. I will try to post each week on the happenings of the Vicars Twins.

Baby A

Baby B

P.S. Baby B is sucking his/her thumb. :)

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