Monday, November 7, 2011

30 Weeks and Counting

Well, I have finally made it to 30 weeks. This is a big milestone for me in my pregnancy. According to what the doctors are telling me, I only have 4-6 more weeks left. It really is right around the corner. I definitely have mixed emotions. I am super excited and can't wait to meet my boys, but am also a little apprehensive of what the future will bring. I know my life is totally going to change, but until I experience it I will not fully understand what is ahead. I am still going to the doctor 2 times a week. Mondays I see the High Risk group for an ultrasound scan and Thursdays I go to my regular OB group for an NST (Non-Stress Test). An NST, as I found out, is where they put monitors (3 to be exact) on my belly so they can listen to the boys' heartbeats for 30-45 minutes to make sure they are increasing and decreasing like they are supposed to. So far so good on all my doctor's visits. Today was the 3 week weigh in ultrasound for the babies. Baby A is 2 lbs. 15 oz and Baby B is 2 lbs. 8 oz. They have each grown almost a pound since last time. Baby B is still small and has "restricted growth" but the doctor was very positive today. I will continue my twice weekly visits. The doctors seem fine with me continuing to teach and workout at the gym, so I am going to keep on trucking. I am taking it easy of course. I am very fortunate I am able to work from home and put my feet up and relax as I work. I am definitely feeling heavier and more pressure in my belly. The boys movements are more pronounced. I can even feel and see where Baby B's head is and Baby A's feet. Baby B is breech (his head is right next to my belly button) and Baby A is head down (this changed from last week). Who knows where they will end up. I have prepared myself for a C-section so either way is fine. We are supposed to complete our "Birth Plan". Some of the questions I have no idea about. My Birth Plan is to get the babies out as quickly, safely, and painlessly as possible. I wonder if they can just put me to sleep and wake me up when it's all over with, ha ha. I'm serious, I am terrified of the pain. I really don't want to know what or how they do it, just do it. That's why we are not taking a class on the whole birth process.

And since it's the 30 week mark...

Here are some pregnancy highlights:

How Far Along: 30.5 weeks

Size of Babies: Baby A is 2 lb 15 oz and Baby B is 2 lb 8 oz

Maternity Clothes: Some. I've been wearing a lot of leggings (non maternity) low below my hips and larger tops.

Gender: BOYS! Van Earl and Elijah Willis

Movement: More pronounced. I can tell where their heads are.

Sleep: I get up AT LEAST once a night to go to the bathroom and a lot of times it's hard for me to get back to sleep. I am having a harder and harder time getting comfy. Boppy full body pillow is very helpful.

What I Miss: Red wine (this one is never gonna fall off the list, ha), sleeping without waking up several times a night, my feet leaving the ground for high impact aerobics, not feeling so heavy, cute clothes, being able to maneuver easily (I am a clumsy fool right now, ha)

Cravings: Hamburgers! (not sure if that's a real craving or it's just because I have an excuse to eat them, ha ha). I did have a random craving for a tuna sub from Subway which I never eat normally. Oh yeah and a random sausage biscuit from McDonalds' (don't eat sausage normally either).

Aversions: Onions (that's nothing new though)

Symptoms: Heavy and BIG, belly button about to pop (weird), have to take it slower, simple tasks are a little harder these days.

Best Moment of the Week: Going on one last road trip my hubby to Charlotte. We are cherishing these last few weeks of just "us."

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