Friday, October 21, 2011

Two Times a Week?!

Here's a quick update on my latest doctor's visit....

It looks like I am now having to go to the doctor 2 times a week. They are concerned that the boys are too small. Baby A weighed 2 lbs 1 oz on Wednesday and Baby B was 1 lb 13 oz. Apparently that's too small for the size they should be. The doctor mentioned restricted growth. They also are going to test me for preclampsia, which I'm still not real clear on what it is but it doesn't sound good. They said the chances are low but they want to rule it out. I also get to take a lovely 24 hour urine test on Sunday. I've never done one of these before but I am dreading it. So, I am toting my lovely pee bowl and big orange jug of fun to Knoxville this weekend to start on Sunday morning. Oh and did I mention I have to keep my pee cold? Yup, gonna have to keep that stuff on ice in a cooler on the way home, ha ha! You should have seen me carrying all this gear out of the doctor's office, fun! :P The doc also mentioned monitoring me frequently to see if she wants to keep me pregnant. That statement unnerved me a little to say the least. I am now 28 weeks, but definitely not ready to give birth yet. I hope this is just a precautionary thing and everything will be fine. I hope to carry for at least another 6-8 weeks but you never know. I have been in a tizzy trying to prepare in case I do have to deliver early. I am sooooo not even close to having everything ready. I am a worry wart and I stress easily because I want everything perfect. I need to relax and take it one day at a time. We are heading to Knoxville this afternoon for my shower tomorrow so I hope it will relax me a bit. This has been a crazy week again. Between that news AND my computer crapping out on me again. Yup, there were more viruses that were not gotten the first time around. So, I had to make another 5 trips to and from the computer place. Between wasting gas and shelling out more money, I'm not happy. I'm not going into the details because it makes me very angry! For now, it's back up and running (first time since Monday before it froze up with more viruses attacking it). We will see if it lasts this time.

On a positive note, Adam's work threw us a baby shower yesterday. I honestly didn't know what to expect, but let me tell you, it was amazing! They went all out with decorations, 2 cakes, tons of food, and so many gifts. I was blown away by their kindness and generosity. We got some really special gifts that mean a lot. We were both really touched by everything that was done for us. I wish I had pics to post but as usual I forgot my camera. I hope to get some from Adam's coworkers. If/when I do, I will definitely post.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you all! I had to do the 24 hour pee with Anderson. No fun! I did have the beginnings of pre-eclampsia. Hope that you won't have it. Hoping those boys get to stay and bake for a while! Hope that your trip and baby shower go well also!
